Westports is one of the constituents of the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index, and the index consisted of public listed companies that are currently demonstrating high Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) practices. Westports was included in the Amsterdam-based Global Property Research’s GPR Pure Infrastructure Index Series in 2016, and the Company has been one of the constituents of the MSCI Malaysia Index since 2015. Westports is included in the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Mid 70 Index in 2017.
Westports primarily manages port operations dealing with container and conventional cargo. It also provides a wide range of port services, including marine services, rental services and other ancillary services.
Westports is located in Port Klang and it is one of the three main ports in the Straits of Malacca that handles gateway and transhipment container cargo, all of which are located in close proximity to the main shipping route along the Straits of Malacca. These ports have the advantage of natural deep water berths which allow them to accommodate large vessels.
Westports serves as the main gateway for container and conventional cargo for central Peninsular Malaysia hinterland. Our container business has grown exponentially from 20,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (“TEUs”) in 1996 to 10.85 million TEUs in 2019. Our market share of container business represents 80% in Port Klang in 2019.
In 2020, the company recorded container volume of 10.5 million TEUs marking us the first and only terminal in Malaysia has handled above 10 million TEUs in a calendar year. For the same period, the conventional cargo recorded 10.9 million tonnes.
Westports’ success is nothing short of phenomenal as it is the leading mega transhipment hub in Malaysia for the main shipping lines. Besides, the success is also attributable to our strategic location, deep channel and wharf, linear berth, high productivity, dedicated young and vibrant employees, connectivity to more than 350 ports around the world, amongst others.

The management forefront of Westports Sdn Bhd. This building represent the administrative management that occurs within the company. Crucial departments such as Finance, IT, HR, Marketing, and many others are located within Tower Blocks in order to facilitate essential task that help keep the company afloat. Tower Blocks is also surrounded by multiple gardens, making Westports a port that synthesizes urbanization and nature.

The container yard is the space that has been allocated to stack containers. Import, export, and transshipment containers are placed within the container yard while awaiting the containers next destination. The container yard measures at a staggering 5.8km in length and 0.5km in width making the container yard capable of stacking 14 million TEUs annually.
Westports owns a multitude of equipment that aid in the movement of containers. Some of the equipment are Quay Cranes, Rubber Tyre Gantrys, Terminal Tractors, Reach and Empty Stackers, and forklifts. These heavy duty equipment play an important role in the movement of containers between the wharf side and the container yard. Only by optimizing the usage of these equipment is Westports able to achieve its world famous 35mph (moves per hour).

The people of Westports, Westportians, are undoubtedly the core of the company. The diligence, determination, as well as diversification in the skills of the staff make Westportians unique and focused towards giving the best to the company. No job is above another, and no task is too difficult to handle as Westportians are able to accomplish all of them effectively and consistently.